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Biogas – Part of Austria’s future energy supply or political experiment?

Bernhard Stürmer


Biogas production expanded significantly across Europe after turn of the millennium. The development was particularly advanced by national laws and regulations. Before millennium, the main aspects of biogas production were the energy independence, the reduction of odor emissions from manure and the improved fertilization effect of biogas slurry. After the year 2000, the main focus was on installation of green electricity capacities to replace fossil power plants with the motive of lowering CO2 emission. As shown in this article, in Central Europe concrete political objectives have resulted in a remarkable expansion of biogas plants. Changes at the legal framework had direct impacts on the development. This article focuses on Austria's biogas sector. Its history, the legal framework and the today's turning point.

In Austria, feed-in tariffs were granted for 13 years. Because of such a flat rate, adjustments to market changes are difficult. Thirteen years are gone, feed-in tariffs expire and production costs are still above exchange price. Balancing electricity production is a promising market for biogas. As well as biomethane as fuel could make a major contribution by lowering CO2 emissions at the transport sector. However, the biogas sector needs political support yet to be able to utilize the advantages in a modern energy sector of the future.

Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2017.05.106